Protection includes:
Pays for the cost of removing a virus or the reprogramming of computers and tablets, Wi-Fi routers, and other Internet access point
Pays for the costs an individual may incur after a cyberbullying attack. Costs could include, legal expenses, temporary relocation expenses or private tutoring
Reimbursement for direct financial losses due to identity theft, phishing schemes, illegal banking or credit card transfers, and other deceptions
Specialized review from a forensic IT and/or legal representatives as well as notification and recovery services when personal data and information entrusted to you is lost, stolen, or published
Restoring devices connected to the Internet, including smart phones, thermostats, smart appliances, and security monitoring systems
Professional assistance with responding to a ransomware attack and reimbursement for approved ransom payments
Stay protected and know that you’re getting the guidance you need with Cyber Insurance.
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